
Showing posts from July, 2016

Creating transformations for custom config files

Visual Studio provides native support to add application config transforms. But it is restricted to the native configuration files only. Also by default it only provides transforms for debug and release environment. If you need to use your own custom configuration file for custom defined environment, below are two options you can follow: Option 1: Do it "manually" Let's assume, we have a configuration file: Configuration.xml in a project. We want to add Configuration.Staging.xml and Configuration.Production.xml as transforms. To achieve this, I can add those xml files manually first and then edit the project file (.csproj) as below and then re-load the project: <ItemGroup>     <Content Include =" Configuration.xml " >        <SubType> Designer </SubType>        <TransformOnBuild> true </TransformOnBuild>        ...

System.TypeAccessException: Named type "CustomGrainState" is invalid: Type string "CustomGrainState" cannot be resolved.

Sometimes Orleans throws the following exception when it fails to serialize a custom object: System.TypeAccessException: Named type "Simple.GrainImplementation.CustomGrainState" is invalid: Type string "Simple.GrainImplementation.CustomGrainState" cannot be resolved. at Orleans.Serialization.BinaryTokenStreamReader.ReadSpecifiedTypeHeader() at Orleans.Serialization.SerializationManager.DeserializeInner(Type expected, BinaryTokenStreamReader stream) at Orleans.Serialization.BuiltInTypes.DeserializeOrleansResponse(Type expected, BinaryTokenStreamReader stream) at Orleans.Serialization.SerializationManager.DeserializeInner(Type expected, BinaryTokenStreamReader stream) at Orleans.Serialization.SerializationManager.Deserialize(Type t, BinaryTokenStreamReader stream) at Orleans.Serialization.SerializationManager.Deserialize(BinaryTokenStreamReader stream) at Orleans.Runtime.Message.DeserializeBody(List`1 bytes) at Orleans.Runtime.Message.get_B...